Contents - Index

DDE Data Request Items

"Mode"      Returns the current mode: 1=Real time, 2=Post Processing, 3=Recorder
"FFT Size" Returns the FFT size 
"Sampling Rate" Returns the current sampling rate
"FFT Overlap" Returns the overlap percentage (0...99)
"Decimation Ratio" Returns the decimation ratio
"Average Mode" Returns the averaging mode: 0=Free Run (blocks), 1=Sound Level Meter (SLM)
"Average Type" Returns the averaging type: 0=Exponential, 1=Linear, 2=Vector.
"Average Size" Returns the averaging block size/speed (1...1000; 1001 if infinite) (0=off, 1=Fast, 2=Med, 3=Slow, 4=Forever).
"Peak Hold" Returns the peak hold type (0=off, 1=Fast, 2=Med, 3=Slow, 4=Forever)
"Smoothing Window" Returns the name of the smoothing window being used

Analyzer Status
"Current Time" Returns the current  WAV file position in seconds.
"Total Time" Returns the total WAV file time in seconds.
"Overload Status" Returns current overload status (1=true, 0=false)
"Overload Count" Returns count of overload events since last Run command.
"FFT Count" Returns count of FFT's performed since last Run command.
"Logging Status" Returns 1 if Data Logging is enabled, 0 otherwise
"Last Logging Time" Returns the timestamp of the last data logging event. returns N/A if logging is off.
"Macro Status"      Returns the run status of the macro command processor: 0=stopped, 1=running. -1=utility is not open.
"Signal Generator Type Left"  Returns the left channel generator signal type
"Signal Generator Type Right"  Returns the right channel generator signal type

"Amplitude Axis Scaling Left"    Returns the left channel amplitude axis scaling: 0=Linear, 1=Logarithmic
"Amplitude Axis Scaling Right"    Returns the right channel amplitude axis scaling: 0=Linear, 1=Logarithmic
"Frequency Axis Scaling Left"    Returns the left channel frequency axis scaling: 0=Linear, 1=Logarithmic, 2=Octave
"Frequency Axis Scaling Right"    Returns the right channel frequency axis scaling: 0=Linear, 1=Logarithmic, 2=Octave
"Spectrum Weighting Left" Returns the left channel spectrum weighting type: 0=Flat, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C
"Spectrum Weighting Right" Returns the right channel spectrum weighting type: 0=Flat, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C
"Total Power Weighting Left" Returns the left channel total power weighting type: 0=Flat, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C
"Total Power Weighting Right" Returns the right channel total power weighting type: 0=Flat, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C
"PSD Left" Returns the left channel PSD status (0=off, 1=on)
"PSD Right" Returns the right channel PSD status (0=off, 1=on)
"PSD Type Left" Returns the left channel PSD type (0=units^2/Hz, 1=units/sqrt(Hz))
"PSD Type Right" Returns the right channel PSD status (0=units^2/Hz, 1=units/sqrt(Hz))
"Mic Compensation Left"  Returns the left channel mic compensation status (0=off, 1=on)
"Mic Compensation Right"  Returns the right channel mic compensation status (0=off, 1=on)
"Mic Compensation File Left"  Returns the left channel mic compensation filename
"Mic Compensation File Right"  Returns the right channel mic compensation filename

Peak Frequencies
"Peak Frequency" Returns the frequency of the peak bin (same as Peak1 Frequency)
"Peak1 Frequency" Returns the 1st highest peak frequency.
"Peak2 Frequency" Returns the 2nd highest peak frequency.
"Peak3 Frequency" Returns the 3rd highest peak frequency.
"Peak4 Frequency" Returns the 4th highest peak frequency.
"Peak5 Frequency" Returns the 5th highest peak frequency.
"Peak6 Frequency" Returns the 6th highest peak frequency.
"Marked Peak Frequency" Returns the peak frequency in the span between Marker1 and Marker2

Useful Note:  Use the [Set Peak Search Bandwidth # &] command to limit the peak search bandwidth if needed

Peak Amplitudes
"Peak Amplitude" Returns the amplitude of the peak bin (same as Peak1 Amplitude)
"Peak1 Amplitude" Returns the 1st highest peak amplitude.
"Peak2 Amplitude" Returns the 2nd highest peak amplitude.
"Peak3 Amplitude" Returns the 3rd highest peak amplitude.
"Peak4 Amplitude" Returns the 4th highest peak amplitude.
"Peak5 Amplitude" Returns the 5th highest peak amplitude.
"Peak6 Amplitude" Returns the 6th highest peak amplitude.
"Marked Peak Amplitude" Returns the peak amplitude in the span between Marker1 and Marker2

Marker Values
"Marker1 Amplitude" Returns Marker 1 amplitude value
"Marker2 Amplitude" Returns Marker 2 amplitude value
"Marker3 Amplitude" Returns Marker 3 amplitude value
"Marker4 Amplitude" Returns Marker 4 amplitude value
"Marker5 Amplitude" Returns Marker 5 amplitude value
"Marker6 Amplitude" Returns Marker 6 amplitude value
"Marker7 Amplitude" Returns Marker 7 amplitude value
"Marker8 Amplitude" Returns Marker 8 amplitude value

Total Power
"Total Power" Returns the total power with default weighting
"Total Power A" Returns the total power with A weighting
"Total Power B" Returns the total power with B weighting
"Total Power C" Returns the total power with C weighting
"Total Power Flat" Returns the total power with flat weighting
"Marked Total Power" Returns the total power in the frequency span between Marker1 and Marker2 with default weighting
"Marked Total Power A" Returns the total power in the frequency span between Marker1 and Marker2 with A weighting
"Marked Total Power B" Returns the total power in the frequency span between Marker1 and Marker2 with B weighting
"Marked Total Power C" Returns the total power in the frequency span between Marker1 and Marker2 with C weighting
"Marked Total Power Flat" Returns the total power in the frequency span between Marker1 and Marker2 with flat weighting

Distortion Values
"THD" Returns the THD value
"THD+N" Returns the THD+N value
"IMD" Returns the IMD value
"SNR" Returns the SNR value
"SINAD" Returns the SINAD value
"NF" Returns the Noise Figure (NF) value
"Delay Finder" Returns the delay value from the delay finder utility.
"THD vs Frequency" Returns the THD+N vs Frequency values as array**

"Compare Left THD vs Freq to Limits" 'See return values below*
"Compare Right THD vs Freq to Limits" 'See return values below*

* Return values for THD vs Freq Limit check:
-2 if Limit data not available
-1 if THD data not available
0 if THD within limits
1 if THD exceeds limits

Equivalent Noise Values 
"Leq Values" Returns all the Leq values
"LeqT" Returns the LeqT value
"Leq" Returns the Leq value
"Lsel" Returns the Lsel value
"Lpk" Returns the Lpk value
"Lmax" Returns the Lmax value
"Lmin" Returns the Lmin value
"L10" Returns the L10 value
"L50" Returns the L50 value
"L90" Returns the L90 value

Spectral Data
"Spectrum" Returns entire spectrum as array** 
"Spectrum Left" Returns entire left channel spectrum as array** 
"Spectrum Right" Returns entire right channel spectrum as array** 
"Zoomed Spectrum" Returns spectrum range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Zoomed Spectrum Left" Returns left channel spectrum range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Zoomed Spectrum Right" Returns right channel spectrum range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Marked Spectrum" Returns spectrum range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 
"Marked Spectrum Left" Returns left channel spectrum range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 
"Marked Spectrum Right" Returns right channel spectrum range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 
"Peak Hold Spectrum" Returns entire peak hold spectrum as array** 
"Peak Hold Spectrum Left" Returns entire left channel peak hold spectrum as array** 
"Peak Hold Spectrum Right" Returns entire right channel peak hold spectrum as array** 
"Zoomed Peak Hold Spectrum" Returns peak hold spectrum range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Zoomed Peak Hold Spectrum Left" Returns left channel peak hold spectrum range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Zoomed Peak Hold Spectrum Right" Returns right channel peak hold spectrum range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Marked Peak Hold Spectrum" Returns peak hold spectrum range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 
"Marked Peak Hold Spectrum Left" Returns left channel peak hold spectrum range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 
"Marked Peak Hold Spectrum Right" Returns right channel peak hold spectrum range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 

Comparing Spectral Data To Overlays
"Compare Left Spectrum To Overlay 1" Compares the left channel spectral data to Overlay 1.  Frequency Span is between Markers 1 and 2.
"Compare Left Spectrum To Overlay 2" Compares the left channel spectral data to Overlay 2.  Frequency Span is between Markers 3 and 4.
"Compare Left Spectrum To Overlay 3" Compares the left channel spectral data to Overlay 3.  Frequency Span is between Markers 5 and 6.
"Compare Left Spectrum To Overlay 4" Compares the left channel spectral data to Overlay 4.  Frequency Span is between Markers 7 and 8.

"Compare Left Peak Hold To Overlay 1" Compares the left channel peak hold data to Overlay 1.  Frequency Span is between Markers 1 and 2.
"Compare Left Peak Hold To Overlay 2" Compares the left channel peak hold data to Overlay 2.  Frequency Span is between Markers 3 and 4.
"Compare Left Peak Hold To Overlay 3" Compares the left channel peak hold data to Overlay 3.  Frequency Span is between Markers 5 and 6.
"Compare Left Peak Hold To Overlay 4" Compares the left channel peak hold data to Overlay 4.  Frequency Span is between Markers 7 and 8.

"Compare Right Spectrum To Overlay 1" Compares the right channel spectral data to Overlay 1.  Frequency Span is between Markers 1 and 2.
"Compare Right Spectrum To Overlay 2" Compares the right channel spectral data to Overlay 2.  Frequency Span is between Markers 3 and 4.
"Compare Right Spectrum To Overlay 3" Compares the right channel spectral data to Overlay 3.  Frequency Span is between Markers 5 and 6.
"Compare Right Spectrum To Overlay 4" Compares the right channel spectral data to Overlay 4.  Frequency Span is between Markers 7 and 8.

"Compare Right Peak Hold To Overlay 1" Compares the right channel peak hold data to Overlay 1.  Frequency Span is between Markers 1 and 2.
"Compare Right Peak Hold To Overlay 2" Compares the right channel peak hold data to Overlay 2.  Frequency Span is between Markers 3 and 4.
"Compare Right Peak Hold To Overlay 3" Compares the right channel peak hold data to Overlay 3.  Frequency Span is between Markers 5 and 6.
"Compare Right Peak Hold To Overlay 4" Compares the right channel peak hold data to Overlay 4.  Frequency Span is between Markers 7 and 8.

* Return values for "Compare Spectrum To" function set:
-2 = Spectral data not available
-1 = Overlay data not available
0 = Spectrum is completely above Overlay
1 = Spectrum is completely below Overlay
2 = Spectrum intersects Overlay (partially above and below)

Phase Data
"Phase" Returns entire phase as array**
"Phase Left" Returns entire left channel phase as array**
"Phase Right" Returns entire right channel phase as array**
"Zoomed Phase" Returns phase range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Zoomed Phase Left" Returns left channel phase range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Zoomed Phase Right" Returns right channel phase range corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view** 
"Marked Phase" Returns phase range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 
"Marked Phase Left" Returns left channel phase range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 
"Marked Phase Right" Returns right channel phase range between Marker1 and Marker2 as array** 

Time Series Data
"Time Series" Returns entire time series values as array**
"Time Series Left" Returns entire left channel time series values as array**
"Time Series Right" Returns entire right channel time series values as array**
"Zoomed Time Series"  Returns time series values corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view**
"Zoomed Time Series Left"  Returns left channel time series values corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view**
"Zoomed Time Series Right"  Returns right channel time series values corresponding to the current zoom in/out settings on the view**
"Wave Segment" Returns the wave data corresponding to [Set Time Segment # ##] command**
"Wave Segment Left" Returns the left channel wave data corresponding to [Set Time Segment # ##] command**
"Wave Segment Right" Returns the right channel wave data corresponding to [Set Time Segment # ##] command**
"Wave Sample Left" Returns the left channel wave file value for the current position.  Use [Go To Sample ##] to set position
"Wave Sample Right" Returns the right channel wave file value for the current position.  Use [Go To Sample ##] to set position
** Array format: 

Data is returned in the same format used by the clipboard:

1st column = Frequency in Hz
2nd column = Amplitude in same units as current display.

1st column = Frequency in Hz
2nd column = Phase in degrees

Time Series
1st column = Time in seconds
2nd column = Amplitude in same units as current display.

See Also:  Dynamic Data Exchange, DDE Commands, DDE Examples