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Dynamic DC offset
This feature will compute an average offset of the waveform and subtract it from the time series. This will dynamically remove a DC offset instead of just applying a fixed offset.
To apply the Dynamic DC Offset algorithm to a file, you must first select a time segment. This is done from either the Time Series, Spectrogram, or 3-D Surface plot. Click the selection arrow located on the plot toolbar and then click and drag the mouse across the desired time segment. This segment will then be displayed in inverse video. Once the time segment has been selected, select the <Edit><Dynamic DC Offset> menu command. You will then be prompted enter the the Dynamic DC Offset parameters. Click the OK button to perform the computation.
Cufoff Frequency - This determines the filter cutoff frequency. Lower frequencies require longer computation times.
Recalculation Interval - This controls how frequently the offset is recalculated. Lower intervals require longer computation times.
The <Edit><Undo Edit> menu command will restore the segment to its previous value.
See also: Opening and Saving Wave files, toolbar, DC Offset