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Generator Output Level

Clicking on the "Level" button on the signal generator will allow you setup and control the generator output level.  

In order to accurately control the generator output level we need to know the "full scale" signal level that your sound card can produce.  This is the signal level produced when a 100% full scale 8, 16 or 24 bit sine wave is generated.  Because most sound cards have the ability to control the output  volume,  "full scale" is not necessarily the same thing as the "maximum possible" signal level unless the volume control is set to its maximum value.  

If you don't know this full scale level, you can still control the relative  output level.  This value can be entered in either dB or Percent Full Scale.

If you have a volt meter or scope handy, you can easily measure the full scale output level.  Simply set the output level to 0 dB Full Scale and generate a 1kHz tone.  Now measure this value and enter the level in Volts RMS.  

Keep in mind that if your sound card has a volume control, you will need to reset the output level if the volume control is adjusted.  Most sound cards save the volume settings between sessions.